Title : Liquid Chromatography - Ion Chromatograph Systems
Content : Shimadzu’s liquid chromatographs provide a host of innovative features for quantitative and qualitative analysis. Simplify sample preparation, automate continuous analysis and monitor chromatograms remotely, for a new liquid chromatography workflow that grants you flexibility and peace of mind. Experience advanced features to enhance your HPLC experience, including ultra-low carryover with high-throughput design, a unique peak deconvolution function (i-PDeA), and solutions for automated and remote work with Analytical Intelligence.
Title : Anion Suppressor Ion Chromatograph
Content : The HIC-ESP is a new anion suppressor ion chromatograph with built-in electrodialytic suppressor, boasting the same low carryover and excellent injection precision characteristic of Shimadzu HPLCs to bring you highly-reliable results. The newly developed anion suppressor prevents peak spreading and achieves high sensitivity, providing stable functionality even over long periods of use. The HIC-ESP is suitable for applications in a wide range of fields including environmental science, medicine, chemistry and food science.