Title : LCMS-TQ RX Series

Content : Innovative technology, exceptional design and new ways of thinking are part of our engineering DNA delivering solutions for the ever-changing needs of any laboratory. As our scientific and business needs change our engineering design evolves and adapts. The result is the RX Series of triple quadrupole LC-MS instruments designed with unmatched capability, redefined reliability and creating a new standard in actionable data.

Title : LCMS-8060RX

Content : The LCMS-8060RX builds on the exceptional sensitivity and UF capabilities of the LCMS-8060NX and adds even more robustness without compromising sensitivity.

Title : LCMS-8050RX

Content : Engineered to deliver excellent sensitivity the LCMS-8050RX further extends the performance of the LCMS-8050 to meet the ever-changing needs of any LC-MS/MS laboratory.

Title : LCMS-8045RX

Content : Designed for rugged, routine LC-MS/MS analysis with the optimal balance of cost, sensitivity and performance now enhanced with greater robustness and easier to use.