Title : Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometry / Single Quadrupole GC-MS
Content : Triple quadrupole mass spectrometry is a mass detection technology that can be adapted to a wide range of applications. Shimadzu’s triple quad GC-MS offers ultimate high-speed and high-sensitivity analysis with unparalleled performance to meet your analysis needs in fields such as food safety, cannabis testing, forensics, and more. Shimadzu's triple quadrupole GC-MS systems provide outstanding functionality, a variety of smart features, easy maintenance designs, and intuitive software, all of which can help you streamline your workflows and improve laboratory ROI. Our portfolio includes the GCMS-TQ8050 NX and the GCMS-TQ8040 NX. Browse Shimadzu’s entire product range below.
Title : GCMS-QP2050
Content : The business environments and needs involved in analysis work change on a continual basis. The next-generation GCMS-QP2050 gas chromatograph mass spectrometer, with its accumulation of impressive Shimadzu technology, will lead the way forward. New value is provided by hardware boasting astounding reliability and stability, and easy-to-operate software equipped with superior automated technology.
Title : GCMS-QP2020 NX
Content : The Shimadzu single quadrupole GCMS-QP2020 NX gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS) not only boasts the best performance in its class, but also the highest efficiency. This new high-end single-quad GCMS excels in both ease-of-use and robustness. The role of high-performance analytical instruments is expanding in areas as diverse as environmental pollution monitoring, forensics and material science. Whatever your field, the efficient and reliable GCMS-QP2020 NX is tailored to meet the needs of your laboratory.